
This 5-Page Report Shatters Conventional Wisdom For Quick Results In Only 30 Minutes A Day

  • "Realistic Goals" Will NOT Get You To Super Greatness...I'll Show You Which Ones Will
  • Why "Positive Thinking" Is Not Enough For Mind Blowing Success
  • How To Unlock The Power That's Inside You RIGHT NOW To Live Your Dream Life 
  • Just 30 Minutes A Day To Reach Greatness

 “I am feeling better since I am following your instructions and using my Mind Power. I am sure I can achieve all things that I wish and fulfill all my dreams. I am very happy to get to know you and learn from your knowledge. You have developed the best method to improve the lives of human beings." 

Fereydoun Rastegar – Borkheide, Germany 


“I really want to thank you. Your lessons help me a lot. Please keep sending me your lessons. Forever in my gratitude.”

Pratik Vyavahare - Mumbai, India


“I was never able to lose weight until I followed your mind power instructions. I'm now down to the weight I'm supposed to be. And I no longer crave junk, fatty foods that kept the excess weight on me. I enjoy eating healthy. Thanks to you Todd, you're amazing."

Sydney Davids - Capetown, South Africa


"I had a small growth on my arm for several years and was concerned that it could have been a sign of something unhealthy. By using your Mind Power technique for just one session the growth was almost completely gone in less than a month and continues to fade away on its own." 

Marianne Layng - Wilmington, DE. USA


“I want to thank you, truly thank you for teaching and directing me towards a fuller and happier life.”      

Dana Toger – Utica, MI. USA


“I am attracting more positive people and situations into my life. Thank you so much.”

Pauline Whitfield – Wilmington, DE. USA


“Thanks coach. Keep the enlightenment coming. Your lessons give hope in the rat race of life and help me in thinking well.” 

Harveen Kaur – Ellicott City, MD. USA


“I believe any help for the human mind helps us in adverse and all circumstances. Your work is to be admired. God bless you in your good work.”  

Sushil Agrawal – Bareilly, India


Hi friend, I’m Todd Wissler “The Mind Power Coach.” Thank you for visiting my page. And be sure to check out my social media sites below. 

Are you a success-driven professional with bigger goals than what you've achieved so far -- perhaps you're working your way up the corporate ladder or want to break away and start your own business -- but feel you need "something" to get you over the top? Then I want to help you live your "Dream Life."


You can do so by learning how to use the best tool you have to get just about anything you want. And it’s right inside you...been available to every human being since the dawn of mankind. It’s called “The Subconscious Mind.”

But have you tried other Mind Power methods, read many books considered to be "The Bible" of the Personal Transformation industry and weren't able to put it into practice. I've heard that from many people.

"I believe the intentions of writers like Joseph Murphy, Napoleon Hill, James Allen, Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor, etc. are nothing but pure...but I could never quite get their teachings to "click" for me outside of the pages of the books. But now, I genuinely feel I have a toolbox to direct the power of my mind towards improving any area of my life which keeps getting better and better and better.”  

Matt Fawson - Leeds, England  



With my instruction of the Mind Power process you won't find any of those lofty, philosophical, esoteric or "off the wall" concepts you may have seen elsewhere. I'm a big believer in the K.I.S.S. principle..."Keep It Simple Stupid." 


“I am really impressed by the way you present this material compared to other things I’ve seen, heard and read. It is clear and understandable. Plus, the way you write it makes sense. Keep up the good work!”

Frank Shimkus – Mission Viejo, CA. USA


I don't promote standard methods for reaching a personal transformation such as..."Positive Thinking" and set "realistic goals" that produce average results. You must attain ambitious goals to reach greatness. And I'll show you scientific proof that backs up my claim.

I show people how to get their Subconsious Minds to believe they've attained UNREALISTIC GOALS that would be impossible to reach (yes...really!).

 You don’t have to learn how to acquire Subconscious Mind Power. You already have it. We're all created with it. You just have to discover how to unlock it and use it.


 But Don't Take My Word. In ONE WEEK You Can Prove To Yourself You Already Have The Power To Create Your Dream Life. My 5-Page Report -- "3 Steps To Unlimited Success" -- Shows You How. It Will Be Sent By The Mind Power Coach. I Will NEVER Share Your Information With Anyone.
