
This Free 5-Page Report Shatters Conventional Wisdom For A Fast Personal Transformation 

  • Achieving "Realistic Goals" Will NOT Get You To Super Greatness...I'll Show You What Will
  • Why "Positive Thinking" Is Not Enough For Mind Blowing Success
  • How To Unlock The Power That's Inside You RIGHT NOW To Live Your Dream Life 
  • Just 30 Minutes A Day To Reach Greatness

“This is a good start to learning how to attain your dream life. It's bite-sized but powerful.”

David Riklan

Co-founder, Joint Venture Directory



Hi friend, I’m Todd Wissler “The Mind Power Coach.” Thank you for visiting my page. And be sure to check out my social media sites below.


Are you a success-driven professional with bigger goals than what you've achieved so far -- perhaps you're working your way up the corporate ladder or want to break away and start your own business -- but feel you need "something" to get you over the top? Or you have other goals for living your "Dream Life?

You can do so by learning how to use the best tool you have to get just about anything you want. And it’s right inside you...been available to every human being since the dawn of mankind. It’s called “The Subconscious Mind.”

With my instruction of the Mind Power process you won't find any of those lofty, philosophical, esoteric or "off the wall" concepts you may have seen elsewhere. I'm a big believer in the K.I.S.S. principle..."Keep It Simple Stupid."


 But Don't Take My Word. In ONE WEEK You Can Prove To Yourself You Already Have The Power To Create Your Dream Life. My Free 5-Page Report -- "3 Steps To Unlimited Success" -- Shows You How. It Will Be Arrive From The Mind Power Coach. I Will NEVER Share Your Information With Anyone.
